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8343 Church Street Gilroy, CA 95020 | 345 5th Street, Suite 3, Hollister, CA 95023
Gilroy: (408) 848-0874 Fax: (408) 848-0873 | Hollister (831) 634-1144
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Frequently Asked Questions
What can you expect when meeting with us?It is not uncommon for folks to have some level of anxiety when meeting with a financial advisor for the first time. We hope to make this a more comfortable process for you! Before your appointment… Most importantly gather your thoughts, have questions in mind you want answered. While not necessary, it is helpful if you can gather financial information (bank and retirement account statements, insurance policies, tax returns, etc.).
What will they ask?Much of our first meeting is about getting to know you… what brought you here today, what concerns you have, what’s important to you, and ultimately what you want to accomplish – not just from this meeting, but what financial objectives do you have that can help you meet personal needs, goals, and dreams. It’s not just about the money.It’s about life, and living. We’ll look together at any information you’ve brought along and questions you have. We’ll discuss your current and desired financial status. Examples of areas we may look at include: tax savings, college planning, investment interests, retirement planning, insurance needs, and cash flow concerns. All information shared is strictly confidential. We’ll get a feel for your level of knowledge and help to educate you from there. As money is the vehicle to support much of our needs and interests, the two are deeply interwoven. And so, we want to know as much as we can about both your financial life and your real life – this makes us much more effective advisors.
What will it cost?The first meeting is always on the house. Beyond that, we are compensated based on products and services provided, of which most fall into one of three areas: Investment Management Fees Hourly Consulting/Project Fees Commissions Our primary compensation comes from actively managing investments, and fees are charged directly to accounts and are fully transparent. If we are providing comprehensive financial planning, or working on a special project, we’ll assess an hourly rate or a flat fee. All fees and charges are always discussed and agreed upon in advance; there will be no surprises.
Are they going to judge me?Absolutely not! We routinely work with folks from all walks of life. Some have been more successful and made better decisions, others not so much – either way, that’s why they all have sought out advice! Speaking from personal experience, we have made our own mistakes and will gladly share them with you – ask us! No judgements here, we’re here to help.
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